Rating: 3.5 Guns
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![Your Vegas](http://ax.itunes.apple.com/images/badgeitunes61x15dark.gif)
Written By: Alexandra Hoover
If you were locked in a small room with nothing but a Scrabble board and had to make do with the letter “V,” you could find any number of ways to describe this band: vibrant vocals, vibrato voices…Vegas.
Although Your Vegas might not like to be compared to a game of Scrabble, they are often just as eclectic with their bright 1980’s-esque synthesized sounds and occasional full octave, vocal leaps. This is especially true of the album, A Town and Two Cities.
Sometimes, Your Vegas evokes slow, lullaby images of summer nights. Such songs get under your skin and make you imagine “fire flies all around, shining like the stars above them.” Other tracks convey deeper, darker, and mellower melodies liked “Birds of Paradise,” which is more of a daydream punctuated with strong vocals. Your Vegas sounds a little like Coldplay (especially in “The Way the War Was Won”), Keane, and Franz Ferdinand with a little more reverb.
Finally, after a pleasant night of dreams specked with shifting tempos and a subtly driving piano, you wake up to “Salvadore,” a crackly, momentum building break of dawn. That's probably the band’s most soulful track. (No, Your Vegas won’t lull you to sleep—unless you turn down the music, fluff your pillow, and breathe softly).