August 2, 2009

Benjy Davis Project - Dust

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Label: Rock Ridge Music
Rating: 4 Guns

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Benjy Davis Project

Written By: Darwin Green

This band is all about the good and bad times, each song resonating like a romance novel, full of ups and downs, sentimentality and good memories, nostalgia, sadness, and recuperation. It’s the kind of album that’s perfect for being in a relationship, being out of a relationship, or experiencing the heartbreak of losing a relationship. In any situation, there’s a perfect song for it on this album. The vocals, complemented by the music, have the swagger of John Mayer’s best. Some, like “Good Enough,” evokes Bob Seeger. The lyrics, however, when carefully paid attention to, are breathtaking in places.

This reviewer doesn’t usually like this type of music, but, after reading the lyrics to each song, has a new appreciation for it, especially for Benjy Davis. Soulful and melodic, it’s like hiking through the woods with a significant other, feeling perfectly at ease with all the lumps and bumps occurring in any love affair, as well as feeling painfully aware that life is great.

It’s not the type of music to end up in a fan of Marylin Manson’s collection, but given the chance and a little open-mindedness it’s the type of music to reawaken a passionate world deep within the listener. The lyrics are clever beyond the typical fare played within this genre on the radio.

If there’s any complaint about this album, it’s one that happens frequently enough to dismiss easily: that oftentimes songs sound so similar that they run together, making the album sound homogenous. The differences in songs are enough so that in today’s single-song market, it won’t matter too much for the casual listener.

Like Benjy Davis? Then you might like: Phonocast, John Mayer, Bob Seger.

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