August 3, 2009

Into The Presence - Self-Titled

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Label: Razor & Tie
Rating: 2.5 Guns

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Into the Presence

Written By: Zoe Porteous

The overall feel of the record is very simple, paired down almost. It feels like they took everything that was not essential to the record and got rid of it, which leaves the listener with the best elements of vocals and guitar.

Frontman Luis Maldonado’s vocals bring back a paired down 70’s era rock feel to the record, which helps its otherworldly sound. The record as a whole is patchy; some songs feel as though they fit as a whole into the same feel and tone. However some of the tracks like "Phone Call" and "My Only Crime" seem like they were recorded with a completely different album in mind. If Into The Presence had stuck to the feel of "End Game" and "Lovers," the album would have been more consistent as one voice and one clear message.
"Radio" is their stand out hit, having everything that would bring a wider audience to their debut album. Strong lyrics and catchy guitar riffs, along with a good beat make this track one of the best on the album. Another stand out hit is Lovers; the song makes you feel completely in the moment and draws you in. The lyrics are beautiful and the melody is poignant, everything the rest of the album should be. If every song on the record were like this it would be in my top ten.

However they are not all like "Lovers," "Phone Call" sounds like a wanna be 80’s rock ballad, now don’t get me wrong some of my favorite songs are 80’s rock ballads. However it wasn’t even an especially good 80’s rock ballad. It didn’t fit the feel of the record, and I got bored halfway through.

Overall Into The Presence impressed me with some truly original tracks, songs I will keep in my library and play over and over. But I am reserving judgment until the next album comes out and they establish a clear voice and message.

Like Into the presence? Check out: Muse, Ashes Divide, Finch.


CWG, Inc. on August 11, 2009 at 11:39 AM said...

Thank you! : )

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