Label: Fat Wreck Chords - Rating:
Marking the band's 20th year, the Punk Rock rooted group, Strung Out, has created possibly their best work to date. I'm not sure what pops out the most on this album, or if it's honestly the most structurally sound record they've ever made.
Agents of the Underground is a meshing of a bunch of different sounds they've already done, but improved on, mixed, and taken that one step further. As always, the guitar riffs of Jake Kiley and Rob Ramos mix with Chris Aiken's speedy bass lines to create a sound that makes you jump, which is what all good music should do. Tying everything together is Jordan Burns' ever present drumming, which sounds superhuman at times, this album wont quit for more than a few seconds. On Agents of the Underground, Strung Out as a band sounds now more than ever like a powerful punk/metal kick in the head that will draw more fans then they had and keep the existing ones as loyal as they ever have been.
Tracks like "Carcrashradio" demonstrates how melodic Strung Out still can be without losing any Punk Rock grime. "Jack Knife" is also a song that will attract new and old fans alike. Strung Out has managed to mature as a band without giving up the essence that has kept the diehard fans loyal, which in this age of corporations making bands comprised of pretty faces and no talent; is a feat in and of itself. If you can stand the test of time like this band has than you deserve to be respected as true artists in a community that has been lacking of true substance for quite some time.
If you like Strung out then you will love: 69 eyes, The Ramones, Generation X